Chris Ursillo
Chris Ursillo is the founding "half" of the Almost June duo since 2016. Commonly referred to as the "eye candy" OG musical member, from the first time Chris and June played together, they were were magical musical partners from the start.
Chris remembers as an eight-year-old driving with his mom in their Oldsmobile to drum lessons about a half hour away from home. After a few months, minimal progress and a lot of boredom, that ended. But soon after, he rescued his father’s Kay acoustic from next to the radiator, and taught himself a few chords. He's been strumming ever since.
Whether playing out with a few bands or doing the tortured-acoustic-balladeer thing, he's always up for converting the music in his head to actual noise. Having the opportunity to play with June was exactly what he needed when he needed it. They both have a love of harmony and recognize that a good song is just flat out a good song, regardless of who made it or when.